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Tuesday, December 15, 2009


Candece is the Club Penguin dance penguin!She is in charge of the music parties.You can mostly meet her in the town or Night Club or the roof or the dance lounge.The point is that you can meet her no matter what!Remember...TRY TRY TRY!

About Gary

Gary is the top agent penguin.You could become a secret agent by being 30 days or older!(You could become a tour guide by being 45 days or older!)When it was halloween he visited.I wasnt there!but i do have Rockhopper and Sensei's background.When he came on halloween he went in his lab.(You have to be a member thou to get in.)You can still meet him thou!Just try to find anyone on Club Penguin if you just try


I met Rockhopper December 15,2009! There i was on the phone with my friend and all the sudden he said "Dude Rockhopper is on!"And i said WHAT!He said go on Grizzly,Go in the Pizza Parlor. I said"ok" and went there..... AND SAW HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Comment on this and ask for more details!