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Sunday, December 13, 2009

About Coolkid78901

Hi! First i would like to say i love playing club penguin! When im not on club penguin im pretty much watching TV or playing video games with my xbox let me just say Call of duty modern warfare rox!when im not doing any of that stuff i play sports like baseball, riding my bike or playing with friends. My fav server on club penguin is rainbow and i know that penguins want to become my friends sometimes but when i have alot of friends everybody cant be my friend.And i forgot to mention BOO REDSOX GO YANKEES! and when im not doing any of the stuff on the top i watch baseball i love baseball. My fav things to do is EAT EAT EAT! no im just kidding. my fav thing to do really is to relax, i HATE homework we learn enough in school right?

well until my next post...
~ coolkid78901

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